Once upon a time there was a repression that nobody was able to hear about. There were people who were suffering.. and nobody heard their voice. This movie shows exactly what happened after years of repression and years of suffering to an innocent nation in Kosova, place which only a few people know about. As the movie shows.. a group of civilian people were held in place as 'prisoners of war' by the Serbian military. As soon as the Kumanovo agreement takes place, the Serbian guards leave the place and the group of people that get the freedom which they would never enjoy. The consequences of the tortures that had previously been done to them were very bad.. all the people remained with mental disorders. Kukumi, one of the main characters of the movie, is a homeless guy, whose only asset is a flute which he used to make music when he would feel down. Hasan is a young guy, whose parents die in the war and his older brother turns the back to him once he comes back to his house. And Mara is a young and beautiful homeless girl that has nothing in her life. Kukumi and Hasan fall in love with Mara. Although they would never be able to make their dream true, both of them show that they do have feelings although their brain no longer lives the real life. Kukumi, Hasan and Mara hang around the place where they used to be held but the such awaited freedom for them meant nothing. Their world remained so small, their vision would never be as before. At the end Kukumi continues his endless journey to nowhere... while Hasan and Mara go back to the place where they used to be held.. because that was the only place they felt 'comfortable' at. This is a real masterpiece of the director Isa Qosja and great credit to Luan Jaha, Donat Qosja and Anisa Ismaili for a tremendous display. This movie has already won two festivals in Balkans and could yet have another word to say in the future. This movie has also been the first production of Kosova's film company "KosovaFilmi" in the post war era here in Kosova. A great movie 10/10