I don't care about Conner. I DON'T CARE! "Forgiving" onwards is some of the most frustrating television I've ever seen, because it's not really bad, just annoyingly incapable of living up to its actual potential. A bunch of episodes that have some really nice bits in them but which are mostly just boring. Besides, they really look like something out of Xena or the Hercules show from the 90's, except without the tongue-in-cheek sensibility.
Season Three is easily my least favorite Angel season. However, a great first half of the season makes it overall, looking at the average rating based on ratings for all episodes, quite good, actually. I love "Carpe Noctem" as a fun throwaway episode, "Sleep Tight" as the only standout episode of the season's story arc, and "Waiting in the Wing" as a fantastic, dramatic standalone episode in the vein of "Are You or Have You Ever Been" and almost a reprise of "I Only Have Eyes for You" from the second season of Angel's parent show Buffy.
It's a shame that the second half of this season lets it down and the story arc is almost intolerable in spots, because there are several excellent episodes here. It's just not my thing.
Average rating based on ratings for all episodes: 7.27/10