In the beginning of the series, the main character Shirou Emiya was enjoying his normal school life. But soon against his wish, he had to enter the Fifth Holy Grail War, where combatants fight with magic to have their desires or wishes granted. Shirou soon faced attacks by his competitors but was saved by Saber, who Shirou summoned accidentally. Saber would then resolve to be his servant and would fight beside him in the Holy Grail War. Shirou soon was determined to join the war as he realizes that if he wins the war, he could avoid many disasters.
The storyline looks simple for this kind of a theme. However, the kind of the characters that we see in the anime really suit to this theme. Whether we talk about Saber's kuudere personality or Rin's tsundere personality, they all fit very well in the story. There are multiple and various types of villains in this show. You would really enjoy the things they have to offer, whether we talk about their cool abilities or the overall action scene or their backstories. The action scenes and the animation both are mesmerizing. Perhaps, among the villains, the one that stands out is Gilgamesh. His powers, arrogance, cruelty and mad obsession for Saber would make sure that you despise this person from the core of your heart. Saber is also one of the best female characters I have ever come across. Some new Otaku may find it surprising that such female character existed even during Pre-Attack on Titan time period.
The anime also has a good soundtrack. It's been more than a decade since I have watched this and the opening and the ending songs used to be my favorite back then. I totally recommend this anime.