One of many near-classic romantic Adult features from Nicholas Steele and his talented crew led by Christopher Saint Booth, this tale of a French erotic writer played by Randy Spears and the budding writer (beautiful young Jenna Haze) who idolizes him has a timeless quality and attention to detail that no longer figure in porn production.
Sheer beauty of the visuals, buttressed by the varied and evocative Saint score, can captivate the willing viewer. Sure, this sort of erotic cinema is no longer in favor, but for me it stands the test of time while gonzo crap of any vintage is gone with the wind in a hurry.
Supporting cast gives talented performers, some lesser-known, a chance to shine including Brit import Layla Jade, Nici Sterling as wife to the bad-guy Ian Daniels (a bastion of censorship, about as bad as you can get in the World of Porn) and Spears' wife in flashback, Alex Foxe.
Flowery writing reaches its apotheosis with the line: "Let your body be the paper and I will brand it with my love".