I wasn't familiar with the story behind Nordwand which is absolutely essential to get the most out of this masterpiece. I also watched, like I always do, the movie in it's original language, German, with English subtitles. Even though I don't speak German I could tell the cast was absolutely stunning in their performance, perfectly casted and directed.
Due to the Swedish distributor Atlantic Films commercial need to picture Nordwand (a.k.a North Face) as a WWII-movie the Blu-ray cover is covered in Nazi-symbols and references to Der Führer. I thankfully found very little of this in the movie. Instead the director choose to invest the first third of the movie into the characters which he did great. Then the story moved to the Eiger and the Nordwand.
Watching Andi and Toni climb in their 1936-gear is breathtaking. I was totally on the edge of my seat most of the time, and remember, I didn't know how the story would end. The experience was amazing and I really connected with the actors and their story.
It's now been 12 hours since I finished watching Nordwand and I have been thinking about it ever since. Nordwand is a heartwarming story unlike everything that could ever come out of Hollywood. It's up there with another German masterpiece; Das Boot. A perfect 10 and a Must See!