This is easily one of the worst movies I have ever seen.
I don't know how a copy of the DVD even managed to end up in the clearance bin of a Hollywood Video in Minneapolis, MN but somehow it did... and somehow based off of the cover art and title of the movie - my girlfriend and I thought it would be funny to buy it for $3.
Somehow they managed to take one of the characters who normally is a brunette who looks about 18 years old and is extremely pretty - and photoshop a picture of her so she appears to be a 6 year old preparing for a dance recital or something to that effect. By turning a picture of her black and white, and then coloring over it with some cheap looking digital (or maybe non digital) color pencil... this is what was put across to us.
Based off of the title, picture, and description on the back (which has about as much depth as the movie itself) - we hoped maybe we'd end up with some sort of gem to laugh at on rainy days. But this movie is so non-linear and stale that you can't even laugh at it.
For the entire length of the film, you will be completely clueless as to how the characters relate to one another, what this movie is even about, how old any of them are supposed to be, and most importantly... what they are talking about.
The dialogue rarely makes any sense, and when it is actually determinable, it's at the lowest possible level of human intelligence. Like, towards the end of the movie...the main girl is really upset... but nobody knows why. We go through these 10 minute long sequences of this girl sitting here on the verge of tears... and there is absolutely nothing that occurs in the movie to cause you to care. That's 10 minutes of the movie and the movie is only 68 minutes long...
These people are playing "young stars" but some of them are acting romantically entangled with each other when one looks 10 years old and the other looks 35. And, I THINK that some of the kids are supposed to have "more ambitious" personalities.... but it was a struggle to even figure out if that's what they were going for or not.
Like...with the ridiculous character, HOLLINGS. At least we get a weird looking kid named HOLLINGS. That was... maybe the only memorable thing about the movie?????
I just feel really bad for whoever was involved with this project. I don't know who effed it up so bad, whether it was the writer or the director... most likely both, if they aren't the same person. Really - it feels like it was put together by someone who must have no idea how to communicate with human beings.
Have you ever seen "The Room"? Let's just say, The Room makes a lot more sense.
Bummer, dudes.