Slam Dunk is a great anime, from passion for basketball, to comedy, to plot, to execution this series has it all. The series centers around a 1st year High school kid Hanamichi Sakuragi who hated basketball in the beginning but joined the team to impress Haruko(A girl he has a crust on) but later develops a burning passion for the sports himself & he soon becomes one of the main players of his High School team. I hated the fact that they did not finish the comic book, i.e the original story line, but still. This series is a must watch for all the sports lovers. Even if u ever hated Basketball this series will make u love it. It's just THAT good. The main character is an amateur in Basketball. While he learns how to play it. So will you all. There are some great high school rivalries. There are some heart breaks too. In other words this is an absorbing anime. A complete 10/10 from me. Enjoy!