Watching this after the impeccably done, and far superior My Little Pony parody trailer, also created by the crew of Secret Sauce TV, this was a tad disappointing. This is as well-done and has as great production values as that, but it's not as funny or snappy. Part of it is that this is a regular short film, so it doesn't get to keep as fast a pace. This is a send-up of the Ocean's series, and has three 11-year-old boys attempt a heist. It's thought out pretty well, and after a slow start, it does get down to business. There is a reasonably exciting chase, and this does have entertaining moments. The material varies, and not every single one of the relatively few jokes and gags work, some fall flat. All of the acting performances are solid. The cinematography and editing are quite good. There is a tad of stylization in this. This has custom music, and it's well-composed and fitting. The sound in general is well-crafted, and this is definitely not, in any way, shape or form the work of amateurs. Writing could be a tad stronger, that's more or less it. I recommend this to fans of spoofs. 6/10