Sarah Landon and the Paranormal Hour is a fun, suspenseful film appropriate for adults, teens, and older children.
Where the movie shines is in its family-friendly approach to the genre. You won't find any blood and guts, profanity, or sex here, but that doesn't mean there is no content. More than a few suspenseful moments and a major twist at the end keep the viewer's attention. Kids and adults alike will find something to be spooked by here.
Unfortunately, the rest of the movie doesn't match these high points. With the exception of Jane Harris, the acting is almost universally sub-par. While this is probably a result of the film's low budget, it must be noted that several important male roles in the film are played by members of the same family (often an ominous sign in a low budget film). These hunky actors have the Hollywood look, but need more acting practice before they're ready for the big time.
The script is average. There are no clever lines of dialogue to be found, but it certainly isn't cringe-worthy. Perhaps some of the lines could have been adapted to better fit the weak acting capabilities of the cast, but time considerations probably prevented such changes.
All in all, not a bad flick. Enjoy it at a kids' Halloween party or on family movie night.