The Association of Competitive Questioning is growing slowly, but to an odd group of devoted fans, the world is focused on little else. A documentary crew follows Lolita Dorchuck (Victoria Jackson of Saturday Night Live), a stressed out mother of three, Fritzgerald McDermott Doubet (Ron Chastain), the leader of the local 20 questions chapter, Martin Miller (Jerry Bowman) the 2002 National Twenty Question Champion, and the other members as they strive to win and advance onto the national scene.
This short film garnered much attention in 2007-2008 with its initial release. The talented cast and crew created a memorable short that had hopes of attracting a larger market to make a feature presentation. Years later it is still as fresh, with the "mock-umentary" approach to making entertainment like in "The Office" or "Parks and Rec".
If you haven't taken a few minutes to watch this powerful directorial debut of Benjamin Keith and his talented cast, including the hilarious Victoria Jackson, you owe it to yourself to spend some time on the couch. Get ready to become a fan.