The tenth Cartoon Network show to be produced by Cartoon Network Studios to have a co-production company after: Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003-2005) which was co-produced by Lucasfilm Ltd, Class of 3000 (2006-2008) which was co-produced by The Tom Lynch Company and Moxie Turtle, Out of Jimmy's Head (2007-2008) which was co-produced by Brookwell McNamora Entertainment, Transformers: Animated (2007-2009) which was co-produced by Hasbro, Adventure Time with Finn and Jake (2010-2018) which was co-produced by Frederator Studios, Sym-Bionic Titan (2010-2011) which was co-produced by Orphange Animation Studios, The Problem Solverz (2011-2013) which was co-produced by Made 100% in Burbank, Level Up (2012-2013) which was co-produced by D and D Productions and Georgia Industries and Incredible Crew (2012-2013) which was co-produced by N Credible. And this show, Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart (2019-) was co-produced by Titmouse Inc.