The Second Age of Aquarius Review
What happens when you conjure a somewhat flawed resurrection of the late and once almost great legendary rock and roll rocker Russell Aquarius (Michael Ursu)? In the way Jim Morrison had his Patricia to guide him through dimly lit passages of the occult, Russell's Alberta (Christina Jacquelyn Calph) serves up modern magick by orchestrating electrons, pixels, and programming to make manifest her reincarnated Orpheus. The results of her effort were not exactly what she had planned, but she's not the first woman to try to fix up her man's rough spots! Russell Aquarius is delivered into modern times with all the charm, beauty, and bumps of a messenger from a long ago time. And what sparkling playful, innocent, fun he has discovering Alberta's world as her idol and lover. She manages to transform her relationship with him from something of a groupie (he has trouble remembering her name) to his Juliet. Not exactly star crossed lovers but close -the twinkling of computer coding which makes his presence possible is as unstable and unpredictable as Russell's next words. Darren Smith's songs, performed by Ursu are beautiful. The screenplay was written by Staci Layne Wilson (Director) and Darren Gordon Smith. This film is fun and delightful, available on Prime VOD.
By Bob Gratrix.