As a Revenge Drama, "Paap" significantly conveys an impression of contentment. A deftly written piece with a potent set of characters helped to unmask the cynical shades of Patriarchate.
The plot focuses on 'The Chowdhuries' who represent an aristocratic inheritance with palpable degeneracy buried deep in the course of their heritage! One day, during the auspicious time of Durga Puja; there comes an unexpected guest 'Rubina', who claims herself to be a despised member of this Chowdhury palace. Following her arrival, all of a sudden dead bodies start to pile up. As the investigation moves forward, it threatens to unravel a bunch of unspeakable sins deeply entrenched in their family roots.
A tight-knit narrative defiantly exposes male chauvinism and the harsh realities of societal discrimination! Since time immemorial, we have always treated such privileged lineages with the utmost respect but never had the nerve to question their righteousness or simply the lack of it. Apparently, holding up a mirror to the Society as well as to those few people in question who are still to this very day and age misuse their Inherited influence on innocent lives!
Set in the milieu of everyone's beloved Durga Puja, the Cinematography here graciously apprehends the true essence of Bengali's emotional ties to these quintessential rites. The Score; despite being a bit noisy at certain times, it does the job pretty well!
Coming down to Performances; three names deserve special mention. Puja Banerjee as Adult Paru/Parboni, Ishani Das as Younger Paru/Parboni, and lastly Rahul Banerjee as Inspector Monojit Halder. An unerring display consisting of few of the finer enactments!
Before I wrap this review, I have to admit that out of all the contemporary contents in Bengali OTTs that we have seen so far; this one must be considered among the very best! In summation, A MUST-WATCH!