This is my second indie zombie movie review, and I mentioned in my first review, which I posted for Feeding The Masses, there are Gems, Crap, and some worth while indie zombie films worth checking out. Zombie Cheerleader Camp is definitely close to the bottom of the barrel. Whether it be the lousy editing, the contrived screenplay playing up the sex, campiness and every other cliché they could throw into it, ZCL is just a pain to sit through.
In the recent marathon of indie zombie flicks I have watched I found 3 to be worthless, one to be worth while and one to be a flat out gem of a film.
Instead of wasting anyones time with discussing this further I can say one good thing, the film is bloody, but the acting, blocking and camera work are atrocious from start to finish. This is definitely only for those infatuated with gore.
If you're curious as to what I am talking about, just seek out the teaser trailer for the film and you will see what I am talking about. If you can make it through that you may be able to sit through the film, and as I noted it will deliver on the blood, but not much else.
At best a netflix rental.