This film begins in Germany during World War 2 with Nazi scientists conducting research on living human beings which turn them into zombies. Fortunately, the American military seizes the facility along with several drums of the chemical solution and then bury them in an underground storage facility under the mistaken belief that it has disposed of them permanently. What they don't count on is a squirrel burrowing into it sixty years later and subsequently feasting on the hidden solution. The scene then shifts to three female teenagers driving on a secluded highway to attend a summer camp for cheerleaders and subsequently experiencing car problems on the way. Luckily for them, three teenage boys appear and graciously offer to drive them to the camp with the thought of hooking up with them a little later on. At least, that's what is on their mind. However, on their way for an improvised rendezvous one of the boys gets bitten by a squirrel and things take a turn for the worse from that point on. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that, given the rather obvious plot, I had hoped that there would be some good comedy here and there--or at least something that would make this film somewhat interesting. Unfortunately, I was greatly mistaken as the comedy was extremely limited and the scenes involving zombies were equally horrid. Along with that the audio was out-of-balance and there was very little character development which made it difficult to identify the names of many of them. Admittedly, there were a couple of attractive actress who stood out with Jamie Brown (as "Ashley") and Terry Chandeline Nicole Westfall ("Coach Sullivan") probably being the two most noticeable. However, neither of them could overcome the aforementioned defects of this film and as a result I have rated it accordingly.