After last year's unintentionally hilarious "Christmas on Honeysuckle Lane," in which Alicia Witt overacted during the first hour with bizarre facial and body movements (and a hairstyle that seemed to move on its own), Witt got a new hairstyle, new make-up, and cleaned up her act, giving a really nice and heartfelt performance. The old Alicia Witt is back and she is quite good. She plays a successful singer who is threatened with a lawsuit by her older mentor who is claiming that the singer stole a song. It's an interesting concept for a Hallmark Christmas movie and there are a couple of good subplots as the singer returns home for Christmas in order to find her original composition of the song. The script is uneven - some scenes are written quite well, while others are sophomoric, repetitive, or just plain filler. The cast, however, rises above the material and gives natural and effective performances, particularly Witt, Brendan Hines, and Lori Hallier as the singer's mother. On the whole, a nice story that is worth at least one viewing. Welcome back, Alicia Witt.