Technically there are just too many things wrong with this one unless you are completely mindless. From a security standpoint no-one properly trained in security during the intro would A: Permit a cell phone unless it was in a secure transmission blocking case or bag. B: A bodyguards job is to take the bullet instead of the client. That said if there were bulletproof vests, the client would wear one. C: While in transit blending in is important a vehicle that could outrun, and stand up to impacts is a priority. D: If the client is running for president they get secret service. E: No trained security would be chatting about their day and joking while on task. This is all in the first two minutes of the film. What a joke. Than there is a host of other tactical, and technical errors. What SF operator leaves enemies behind alive? Wow then there is six blocks of C4 going off, and leaving people 100 feet away alive which is virtually impossible.
The acting has no emotions appropriate to the scene. The acting is wooden, the characters unbelievable, the direction is almost non existent. The script is a real dog of a script, better put out of its misery. Never mind about the sets, casting, etc., etc. Do yourself a favour, unless you are a fan boy, or girl, give this one a miss.