Sometimes I watch movies with David Carradine and think it's a shame that this will be part of his legacy. This is one of those films. Not that I was ever a huge Carradine fan, but it gives you an idea of how I feel about this film. I feel bad for an actor known for largely being in mediocre-at-best films because he was in it. And even then, not for very long. Also, while I'm thinking about it, I think it's great to more away from the traditional zombie story every now and then but can we please stop pretending like this whole "everyone has a virus except for a few people" thing is new and fresh? The end result is the same as any old zombie movie so knock it off.
What you essentially have here is the old small group of survivors who band together and dig in whilst under constant zombie attack. Well...not so much attack as constant zombie presence. I will give the movie props for one thing...I liked the way the zombies sort of evolve from just being corpses to rudimentary movement to being able to actually comprehend things. Of course, that doesn't excuse a plot line that has virtually everyone in the country dropping dead simultaneously. I'm not sure what disease model they were working off of, but that would have to be one hell of a virus. And I don't normally pick on technical aspects of movies, but the audio in this was terrible. Maybe it was just the copy I had, but everything that wasn't speech sounded loaded up with reverb. It was downright distracting and, let's face it, this movie didn't need any more strikes against it.
All said and done, you've seen this same type of film done better with less. It's not awful, it just fails to really do much of anything. All of the characters pretty much fail to make you concerned about their well-being and the story itself just sort of drags along without for almost 2 hours...much longer than it needs to be. I won't say you should avoid it...that's your call...but I'm certainly not going to endorse it.