BLADE OF THE IMMORTAL (Mugen no jûnin) (2008) is based on the epic dark historical fantasy Japanese Manga series; created, written and illustrated by the brilliant mangaka, Hiroaki Samura, in 1993.
"In medieval Edo Japan, an 800 year old witch curses Manji, a master swordsman with immortality, after he commits sins that cause the death of 100 innocent samurai. After many years living as a undying Ronin, he grows tired and asks the witch to make him mortal again if he can manage to atone for his sins by killing 1000 wicked men and use his skills to protect the innocent. A young girl, Rin, who seeks revenge for the death of her family, hires Manji as her bodyguard and trainer, and together they go on a journey of revenge and redemption."
As one of my all time favorite manga series, this anime is really enjoyable and although doesn't perfectly follow step by step how the manga went, it does really capture the tone and aesthetic of the original Blade of the Immortal, although a bit less violent and bloody. The original is quite brutal. Manji and Rin are great characters and make such a great duo, with one seeking redemption and the other seeking revenge.
Overall, this was a great first series. I'm glad they made another series (remake/reboot) that is finished, as this anime series was sadly left unfinished. However, it was still a really good show and very enjoyable to watch. The other series is great too. Blade of the Immortal is one of the best manga and anime series around.