Over the years audiences have been treated to gritty, dark cop shows but ABC's new show "The Unusuals" is something really different. There's a heavy emphasis on dark humor and eccentricities that gave me a few laughs, but there's something going on beneath the surface and only by watching these characters will we ever find out. True, there are the inevitable crimes of the week that viewers will be treated to but it's the well acted characters, witty and funny dialog as well as the "unusual" situations that keep things interesting and I for one was getting into this show. It's already starting to grow on me. Not a show for the kiddies as there are sexual innuendo and some thematic elements, but it's good, real good. Although I like serious shows but every once in a while I'd watch something that's light-hearted, doesn't take itself too seriously, and overall, fun for an entire hour.