'Small Town Girls' has a title well within Playboy's usual themes, but get ready for a surprise. This isn't sights of small town America, simple but well shot setups of pretty "girls next door". Nope it's another edition in their 'Strip' series as clothes get taken off on stage in a club mixed with interviews, b-roll filler. Crystal Knight hosts an average package at best.
A typical montage intro and title card spells it all out (1 min). In a Ohio stripclub you've about to see a mix of amateur ladies and professionals. "Alisha Lee" up first gets out of a fuzzy winter getup. Camera work, angles is pretty good and shots, noises of the crowd amp up the energy at least initially. A bottle of champagne poured down her into a glass and given to a guy centerstage was cute. Happy to see him drink it too haha (3 mins). Street chat with the ladies & host gets you a quick shot of Crystal's boobs (1 min).
"Karma / Maria" has the first lady strip as a genie while the second is shown "in the champagne room". Both are hotties for sure, but the constant cutting back and forth between them in quick clips tired. Maria could have gotten a scene to herself as far as I'm concerned (3 mis). "Felicia Fox" gets a chat with host before hitting the stage as a sexy nurse. A bit of crowd interaction again is the highlight (5 mins).
More chatting about boobies, nipples (1 min) before it's "Monica / Tabby" in the same intercut setup as before. Honestly not a ton here got me excited (3 mins). "Candie / Deeann" chat with Crystal before a tame girl/girl romp on a bed involving candle wax, blindfold and lotion (3 mins). More talk kills time (45 secs) before "Haven" hits the stage. Some flame pyrotechnics stood out and she certainly looks great, knows how to move her body ... but wasn't this supposed to be about amateur small town girls? What happened to that (3.5 mins).
"Selina" talks with Crystal and hits the stage intercut with "Penni & Maria" on a bed. This back and forth mix is still not my fav and could have done without a light plug for the club too (3.5 mins). Another chat leads to "Candi / Brice" peeling out of dresses per the dual setup (3.5 mins). "Taya / Amanda" has a brief chat with the first lady and if she looks familiar it's Taya Parker. A future Penthouse PotY, reality tv contestant. Happy to see her get the lion share of focus on the main stage, but not as hot as it could be (4 mins).
A trip to sex shop is more filler (40 secs) before "Mina / Christine" do their thing on stage (3 mins). Back to the shop to kill more time (1.5 mins) before "Alisha Lee & Penni" do a duo routine on the main stage. Again candlewax is in play as well as a spicy closeup or two (2.5 mins). "Shannon Toy / Deeann" starts with a chat between Shannon, Crystal before the intercut routine (3.5 mins). "Sasha Detriech / Michele Katz" chat, do a lite bondage themed piece in bed (3.5 mins). Chat in a limo, all the girls on stage provides a wrap-up (3 mins).
Even if you don't get caught up on the title, bait 'n switch going on here, 'Small Town Girls' never becomes a solid video. There's likable bits & pieces, but it lacks momentum. Too much cutting to filler that no guy really cares about seals the deal.