I believe one of the reasons why so-called "A" movies have in general better ratings than "B" movies is the marketing campaign that helps to brain wash with delicious trailers the audience long before they even get to see the movie. "The Day the Earth Stood Still" was no exemption, but after all the movie was not really that good, was it?
Now "The Day the Earth Stopped" is IMHO much better than what you would expect from a "B" movie. Maybe the overall acting isn't that brilliant but you still develop an emotional connection with C. Thomas Howell and classic beautiful actress Sinead McCafferty. She reminds somewhat on Sophia Loren, or Brigitte Bardot but is still herself. How can one criticize on too much make-up? Cleopatra in Ancient Egypt or the Ladies in the 50ties utilized generous make-up as well. I did not think for a second about too much make-up. And, the role requires to portrait a mysterious perfect being from a different planet!! Sinead McCafferty knows how to act without saying too much, and it comes naturally, convincing, what else could you possibly want?
Also, I strongly disagree with the critique on bad film music. The score may not be perfect in all scenes, however, the composer produced several beautiful tunes that make me reach out for the soundtrack.
Cheers, TC