Yeah, me either. So as you can imagine not all that much happens. In fact, I can't really tell you what happened at all. And a lot of what DID happen was never explained or addressed... such as some foreboding neighbors and their motives, some mysterious nudes, some personal limb gnawing and well, a metamorphosis... to name a few.
Aesthetically the movie was beautiful. The quality of the picture was crisp and on point and the shots that were taken were gorgeous and atmospheric. Also the sound design added a lot to it as well and added to the desired atmosphere.
The acting was not phenomenal. It was primarily a two person cast and my main girl did a decent job. The guy on the other hand... he had the looks for sure, but that was about it. His performance was just odd and not in the I'm slowing slipping into insanity odd... but like unconvincing delivery with a stilted performance odd. The dialogue certainly did them no favors. It was... clunky, to say the least. Almost sounded like it was written by an AI trying to write a script for a soap.
As a lover of indi cinema, I hate to be that guy... but this felt like a bit of a waste of time. I think there was some light potential there but it was a very undeveloped idea. It would take some recasting, a major rework of the script and beefing up of the plot to get there. I'm giving this a 3 because a 2 feels harsh, but it was close. Would not recommend.