This film truly shows the lengths that "science" will go to so that you believe their ludicrous theory!
There is ZERO proof for ape to human evolution, the "proofs"are created in the human mind and then digitally created to give the impression of factual content!
They just don't have the bones, they have fragments in which they have imagined the evidence...
If this theory was true then there would be tens of millions of skeletons all over the world, do you really believe dinosaur bones can be found at 65 million years old but ape / human bones disappeared in 6 million years? It's just not possible!!
Therefore you need to ask yourself this question.....?
If evolution is unproven then you are only left with one option... That is that the created has a creator!
If I told you the house you were in was an explosion in a brick factory you would call me nuts, therefore how can the most complex life forms and eco systems be made from an explosion??? In my experience explosions destroy, they never create!
What sin do love that makes you fear God?
God is real, Jesus is real, Judgement day is real!
You like me and everyone else have sinned against God, we've all lied, stolen, cheated, blasphemed and fornicated, we are all therefore guilt in the eyes of God, The wages for sin are death and an eternity in hell!
Jesus paid those wages for us by willingly dying on the cross, the righteous for the in un-righteous!
He was buried, then on the third day God raised him from the grave to sit at his right hand, ready to judge the world of their sin!
You must repent and turn from your ways, you must accept Jesus as your lord and saviour and in return yiu will be saved from eternal damnation!
Please I beg and encourage you to buy a bible and read it!
You wouldn't judge a Harry Potter book without first reading it so why would you judge Gods word without reading that? After all as a "free thinker" shouldn't you research both sides of the argument? Isn't that true science?
My prayer is that you open your heart to the possibilities of the unseen and accept that you are a perfectly created being with a real purpose that only God can decide for you!
Gif bless you.