Where do I begin: o yes, the designs
- scoop has the same locomotion but feels extremely bendy somehow, unpleasant to look at
- muck is even clunkier than his stop motion version
- rolly is just more awkward to look at
- lofty lacks the expressions he's famous for
- dizzy lacks the energy but moves even more
- the humans look like they belong on attack on titan, with pure white, almost triangular looking teeth, microscopic eyes, and tacky looking skin (with the exception of Leo, due to the DARKNESS OF HIS SKIN preventing it from being an eyesore. It's very concerning when this is the case)
Now for their personality:
- the machines are absolute BAFOONS
- lofty goes from nervous to cringey
- Bob seems addicted to schedules
- the rest of the cast are self absorbed brats, refusing to pay the crew, even though they often RISK THEIR LIVES for the sake of production
The story of every episode feels boring, even if the idea is unique (which it very rarely is)
Mattel screwed up with this one. Fireman Sam is ok, spawning some average movies, whereas Thomas and friends is tolerable compared to what they latter decided to do to it (oh god I'd give that -5 starts)
I'd give this -3 stars if I could.