One can't help being impressed by the energy and courage of the ladies featured in this interesting Indian documentary. The production is a little rough and the message slightly forced - all totally forgivable. The plight of these scorned females and their subjects is terrible and it is uplifting to watch their accomplishments in News, against the odds and really, starting from below scratch. There are personalities here- an aggressive, foot in the door, 'where's the blood?' young reporter; another lost in naivety, bewildered by the letter E or the use of a cell phone, patiently mentored til at the end she seemed to have a gentle, innocent and intelligent grasp of the process.
Modi's ascension is in the background and you muse on the morphs of "Democracy" and the "Separation of Church and State" here, and the world now. To see how others live in this incredible country- the dust, cooking on the concrete floor, the not unpleasant grumbling from the News-Widow husband, is worth watching. Good luck to them.