As "Donkeyhead" (2022 release from Canada; 106 min.) opens, we get to known Mona, a thirty-something woman in Regina, Saskatchewan who is taking care of her ailing dad, and has been for the last 7 years while she is also working on her debut book. When her ailing dad takes a turn for the worst, she calls her 3 other siblings (a sister and two brothers), who soon all are in the family home in Regina...
Couple of comments: this film is nothing short of a labor of love by Agam Darshi, best known for her many roles in a slew of TV shows. Here she not only makes her directing debut, for she also writes, produces and stars as Mona. The movie navigates the tensions that exist between the siblings as well as the fact that they are Sihks from Indian descent. Last but certainly not least, the movie shows a woman who some might describe as a rebel and a free spirt, while others might look at the same person and find her messed up or a failure. It is hard to believe that this is Darshi's directing debut as this film is amazingly pointed, complex and moving on many levels. As an aside, I admit I've never been to Regina but from watching this film, it looks beautiful and depressing at the same time. Last but not least, the production budget for this film was just $2 million, less than a pittance by today's Hollywood standard, but look at the end result and then ask yourself, who delivers more?
"Donkeyhead" premiered this past weekend on Netflix, and after seeing a positive writeup of the film in the New York Times, I couldn't wait to see it. So glad I did. If you are in the mood for a complex, nuanced and moving siblings relationship drama, I'd readily suggest you check this out, and draw your own conclusion.