For all the people blasting the series with low ratings or one star I don't think they actually watched the entire series. This is worth a watch if you like documentaries or interested in investing or how markets work.
I had no bias going into the series. There may be more pieces to the puzzle but my takeaway was this was more about large hedge funds and big investment firms having a leg up on retail investors, these same companies can drive prices and fluctuate the market in a way retail investors can't, including actively betting on a company to fail, so retail investors are at a disadvantage, and then when retail investors push back collectively and gain traction, the rug is pulled out from under them by the platform they are using who would appear to be involved in a conflict of interest in the stock that's being pushed.
I never thought this painted retail investors as dumb. I thought this was more of a hit on the hedge fund managers and that big money will prevail and that the government doesn't seem equipped to handle or doesn't want to handle it. I thought it was commendable on what the retail investors and online users were able to achieve. The hedge funds have found "loopholes" for lack of a better term that to most of us would probably seem shady or manipulative. It even gets referenced that this is a classic David vs Goliath situation. I enjoyed it, thought it was compelling, and certainly not understanding of all the negativity in the reviews.