I just started watching this and already it's playing to my science fiction fantasy, time travel vibe. I think I'm hooked on it. Sort of a crazy teenager mixed up world has started. As the synopsis said she found a dead body and she doing time travel.
She found the book/journal she had buried 30 years before. Now she knows that she wasn't dreaming. This is so good.
It get kind of crazy as she go each time and gets to live one day of their life back as a different person. They never remember what happened when she was them.
She is trying to save the guy she found dead from dying because she has fallen in love with him.
Then school life is so weird compared to our countries school.
So much sex in it though. She is just a mixed up little girl but an interesting one. It, the story keeps you mesmerised. Are a viewer you just can't let it go. You just must keep watching. It is really fascinating. It will just hook you in.
The thing that makes it so believable is the strong theme of drug taking and that alone takes you into the realms unknown.
The scenery and cinematolgy is so good. You want to just stop and suck it all up. Bit too much sex but maybe important for the detail of the story.