Good cast, great acting, a moving story of female friendship enduring through time. It feels "real" as if you were eavesdropping on a group of old friends who really care for each other. They have not met together in 25 years - that was the time of the first movie, Chantilly Lace, when they were in their forties and fiery. Fiery they still are. Jill Eikenberry, Talia Shire, Lindsay Crouse, Helen Slater pick up their roles as if they had never ceased to inhabit them. They are joined by Patricia Richardson and Naaji Kenn. It's rare to see actors so clearly at ease in their roles that they don't seem to be acting. Is it based on a real story? Asked the woman seated beside me today. They are getting older and their questions reflect that as they tangle with the fear of losing a job, the reality of being fired, the possible staleness of a long marriage. They share intimate secrets and sexual fantasies. What does it mean to get older and to fear becoming invisible. They truly like each other and will keep fighting for the right to a fulfilling life.
Chantilly Bridge is a must see for anyone who cares for a group of women wonderfully alive and moving - great actors doing their best under the caring eye of director Linda Yellen.