I've been following IMDb for a long time, but have never felt the need to add comments and so have never registered. After viewing Ghostown I thought about it for several days and decided I had to say something. Over the years I've seen a great many films, some okay, some very good because they were entertaining (to me anyway. I like a lot of dopy films. Think stuff like "Baby's Day Out". Who can forget Fred Thompson saying "Take us back to the tick tock"? I've seen many really really bad films, films that make me wonder why. And I've seen plenty of films about dealers. Most of them are pretty much Hollywood stereotypes. I'm sure such people exist out there, but all of them? This film had me from the minute it started. These are real people, not Hollywood people. They live in the hood and they pull the viewer into it with them. This is the real thing. You may never have experienced any of it, but your gut instinct tells you this is real, as real as it gets. No typical bad guys. Even the worst offender tries to offer some helpful advice. No good guys. Just people caught up in their life in the hood, a hood that's almost impossible to escape. The performances are all great. I'll never forget Marcos, but every performer was spot on. This is one film you don't want to miss.