Angelina (Aimee Garcia) is a popular pop star who is now feeling her age. She needs a new song for an event but is drawing a blank as far as inspiration goes. She sees a video of a young fan, Cristina (Deja Monique Cruz), whose birthday wish is to meet her. Empathizing with Cristina's longing for her departed mother, Angelina decides to grant the girl's wish.
Cristina's father, Miguel (Freddie Prince Jr), is a music teacher who happens to be composing a song that piques Angelina's interest. They develop feelings for each other while collaborating on the song.
This is another tropey, thus predictable, story. But there is something comforting about watching a familiar story unfold. It's like watching different versions of The Nativity, A Christmas Carol, Les Miserables, etc. Each version brings a different take on a classic tale.
This version of the aging-celebrity-finds-inspiration-and-love trope is brought to life by a likeable cast. It was a treat to see Freddie Prince Jr again. The process of composing a song got me engaged as it made me curious about the finished product which did not disappoint.
All in all, it made me feel good, which was what I was hoping for when I watched it.