I recently purchased the Red Letter Media Archive Volume 1. It was generally... interesting, but not very good. Besides the excellent 48 hour film project Western Ore Musical, this movie is one of the hidden gems in the collection.
I can't really call it good, but I did enjoy it. It was weirdly funny. Not like LOL-funny, but funny none-the-less. The performances are actually kind of great. I especially enjoyed the guy giving the main character hell and his little character arc. The concept of the movie is pretty stupid but good fodder for a short film, where you are supposed to be more experimental with what you are doing.
All in all, don't go out of your way to see this movie, but I don't think most people would be sorry to see it. Based on the number of votes, not that many have (although, it's also possible people just don't realize there are many short films on IMDb).
Oh yeah... and I was googling for pictures of the glamor model they used as the female lead after seeing the movie.