I just saw ODD WAY HOME at the Albuquerque Film Festival, where it deservedly won the Audience Choice for Best Picture. Knowing it's content and that it was a low-budget labor of love, I had very modest expectations. Well, fact is I was stunned. There are two stellar performances from Chris Marquette and Rumer Willis that carry the film.
She is a screwed up singer headed to LA and he an autistic soul, who come together in an odd way (no spoilers) and grow individually and jointly. These are performances you could only get from great talents early in their careers. They are so alive and vulnerable my wife and I literally forgot we were watching a movie. You cry, hurt and laugh with them in ways you just never will with a "star" driven and laden movie.
We all seek intimacy, profound intimacy. It's here in all it's tenderness, bitterness and brutality; yet it resonates. All I can say is see it. You will be changed, for afterward you will not see people the same way. It makes you compassionate.
As to the "artie bucco" review of ODD WAY HOME that also appears on IMDb, I can only assume it's someone with major issues. His negative comments just don't make sense. (NOTE: "artie bucco" was the owner of the SOPRANOS restaurant of choice. Really surprised that IMDb would let this fake critic have any space for spewing hatred)
This is really the kind of film aimed at the heart, not at the box-office or cash box. While it's not perfect it is pure INDY expression at it's near best.