Stumbled upon this one on Tubi and started watching out of sheer disbelief at the Knight Rider poster. I imagined it might be a Bollywood knockoff of the show using borrowed footage or something, but no: it would seem a filmmaker in Scotland got his hands on a KITT replica and went about making a feature length movie with it.
It's hard to know how to scale a review for a film like this. On one hand, it's clearly an amateur production, and to criticize it would feel like laying into a five year-old's recorder recital. On the other... this is an actual, real movie, streamed on Tubi and given an IMDb entry. There's a gulf in quality between the expectations associated with that and, well... this. Imagine the kind of movie a teenager might make with a camcorder he just got for Christmas, but with more money to spend.
Ultimately, what sinks this is the script. Making an homage to Knight Rider would be fine if it was done skillfully, but if you don't have the experience for that, then at least bring some new ideas to the table. The plot's nonexistent, the conflicts are unearned, the jokes are borrowed and out of place. As another reviewer remarked here, this film succeeds in exactly nothing.
All that said, I finished it, which is more than can be said for some films with much higher ratings.