Louis's two specials since "the incident" are entitled Sincerely and Sorry. Of the two Sincerely is better imo.
Louis has always had a dark edge, but the edge, while still dark is a bit dull from being knocked around in the junk drawer of life. On his worst day he is funnier than 99% of people and I enjoyed every moment of Sorry, but it's not as good as his best work.
Fans of his will enjoy it for sure. It is a bit like seeing an old friend who has been out of circulation for a while. His jokes are his classic style and his delivery is perfect as always, his long career has given him very very good instincts that serve him well. He barely needs to work at it anymore, or at least that's the way it feels.
I wont say it feels like he's "going through the motions" but it's a different Louie tan the one we had before, his mood and tone are just a bit different. He has changed. I reckon some of the changes are good, but some of them may not be.
Good show.