I love this little film.
It felt like a play in an intimate theater--two actors, a few bit parts, and locations that could have fit on one stage. This could not possibly work in a film except for two things: the amazing, witty, smart, true dialogue; and two astonishing performances.
There are a few films that capture the middle-aged heart well, and this is one of them. With all of our clearer hindsight, regrets, what may have beens, the specter of death ahead, and wondering what this one life really adds up to. For thinking people, these sorts of questions haunt us. And here – with wit and honesty - we see two believable, flawed, appealing characters ask each other the important questions.
The ending is good, for you leave the film wanting to ask if he made the right decision. Sometimes, the questions are more important than the answers.
And, a bit of petty praise, that was one heck of a lot of dialogue to memorize.