How sad that the wonderful, attractive and so talented Will Kemp was so mis-used in this film. The story was clever, sweet, and adorable! The views of London were thrilling, and the young woman lead actress was beautiful and charming and quite a good actress.
All that said, my only focus has to be on how poorly Will Kemp was portrayed in this romantic story. Will is a ballet dancer. He has phenomenal physical grace and presence. He moves, he holds his body, his head in the most classic and lovely manner. To have him portrayed here as an American with almost a ridiculous script to follow, was a sheer waste, and almost an insult to this very lovely, talented man.
The phony American accent he had to use was so distracting, and so poorly pronounced, it was painful to watch him go through that script. Why could he simply not have been British?
I wonder if the Hallmark actors have any input or say into the characters they portray. If Will Kemp is simply under contract and has to do what he is "assigned" to do, poor fellow. This was so far beneath his skill set and his lovely personal image.
All that aside, this was a charming story. The young woman lead was perfect in every scene. Kudos also to the actors portraying her parents.
The only problem with all of it was the poor use, the sheer mis-use of the wonderful Will Kemp. Next movie, please, some dignity for this lovely man, and maybe even some dancing. He is a phenomenal as a dancer and an actor. Look back at Royal Matchmaker.
Hallmark, let's be a bit more kind to him. When such stunning grace and talent is available, why not use to the fullest and show us what you've got?