At first I loved this show. But now I am getting kinda mad and that is why I rate it as a 5. Each week there is a theme. So you would think that the contestant that is being eliminated would have performed the poorest on each theme. But thats not the case on this show. Instead the person that is eliminated is based on who would be cooler on the show, which is not right. Why have themes if someone who does horribly on it and gives a sappy performance can still make it. You might as well just pick who you want to be on it and not go through any of this. You are also letting that director put people in the bottom for unimportant reasons. Why put a top contender in the bottom for trying to laugh off a vulnerability like being sexually used. Why would someone that has been through that want to keep thinking about that. And why would you put that challenge so early in the competition. Thats like a top 3 type of thing. Overall I am disappointed and just don't know what else to say.