This moronic abomination is not a movie. This is arguably the worst, most insipid film that has ever been released. I have never seen a movie so badly made, that fails on so many levels. By the end of the movie, I actually felt like killing myself. It's not even hilariously bad (ala Waterworld, Showgirls or Gigli) - it's the cinematic equivalent of a drunk homeless man projectile vomiting into your face.
Where to begin? The movie is neither entertaining nor well-done. The script is an absolute turkey and the dialogue is just awful - veering from attempts at gallows humour (which fail miserably) to what appears to be vulgarity for vulgarity's sake.
The camera-work looks like it was shot by an epileptic crackhead. The background music is so loud that you can't hear what's being said. Some shots seem to have been close-cropped and zoomed in on so much that you're literally staring at a bunch of pixels on the screen. Overall, the effect is less chaotic and more "I don't understand what's actually happening". It's practically unwatchable in parts. Even the special effects are merely ordinary. There are no scary moments in the movie, nothing that even gives you a feeling of tension.
You could forgive the poor execution (no pun intended) if the script or any of the characters were even remotely engaging or sympathetic. Sadly, there's nothing interesting about it at all. To call the characters cardboard is to insult a useful packing material. Their motivations are flimsy, their reactions illogical - the script is essentially nothing more than a gimmick to set up each murder scene. If the people writing this don't care enough to put any effort in, how are we, as the audience, supposed to care either? In even the worst horror films, if you can't find the characters enjoyable, you at least find them irritating enough to enjoy their death scene - in this movie, you are robbed of any enjoyment because you simply do not care. The protagonists are equally bad - they convey no sense of menace and aren't even well-written enough to be unlikeable. Whatever this movie set out to be, it just ends up being a sad, contrived attempt at aping the success of classic films like Last House on the Left, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and I Spit On Your Grave.
This is just a flawed, bad movie, an insult to the viewer's intelligence and not scary at all. Really the only thing that scares me is that I actually paid to watch this mess.