I loved this movie. The first time Jacob and Marko sit in the abandoned car is one of the most beautiful scenes I have ever seen in any movie, and they hardly say a word; it's all in their eyes and in the way they move. Kai Michael Müller (Jacob) is especially appealing, but both guys are excellent. This movie is far more sensual than movies with nudity and sex (Harvest has none of either).
I should give up trying to understand why other people don't like the same things I do. I can't imagine thinking this movie is slow or boring or dull. I watched it all the way through in one sitting because I simply couldn't break myself away from it. So much was happening that I didn't want to miss any of it. I've seen over a thousand movies in the past five years, and I could count on one hand the ones I've watched in one sitting.
There is no violence in it at all, and only the very briefest flash of hostility from a passing stranger. Nearly everything that happens happens within and between the two lead characters; and even when it is difficult (as it is most of the time for Marko) it is always tender, never violent. Maybe that's why it bores people.