"Journey" was full of surprises for me. Somehow I thought the whole game would take place in the desert, and because I don't like deserts, I was somewhat hesitant at first. But I was proved wrong by "thatgamecompany" in terms of limited environment and climate.
It has beautiful graphics. Especially the lighting is outstanding. The environment responds to your movements and actions, and the interaction with the NPC is really fluid. The soundtracks are fitting, though some felt rather dull. The partner based multi-player is well implemented, and it feels really great to go through the whole journey with the same partner. At times you teach each other, show hidden paths to symbols and glyphs.
What really makes "Journey" such a jaw-dropping experience must be the pacing. In my opinion, the progression of the events makes the game truly similar to "real life". The game doesn't hold your hand, even though there's no complex puzzles whatsoever, you have to figure out what you have to do on your on if a partner does not guide you, which makes it a joy to explore and observe.
Recommended for: People looking for a relaxing, enlightening and peaceful experience.