The first time I heard about this show coming to Cartoon Network I said "Oh, S--t! More junk is coming to cartoon network! This time its an effed up show about animals in there underwears! What is this the kids version of Playboy???". But when I actually watched it for the first time, the theme song was a blast! I couldn't get enough of it! The theme song gets stuck in my head while I watch the show, but that's okay though its aweomse! My favorite characters on the show is the duck and the bunny. By the way the duck actually reminds me a little bit of "Goofy". The bunny I must ambit but she is a little cute, I do like her pink undies though. LOL! I think you should be a least eight to watch this show because if you are under eight there are some stuff in it that might freak the little ones out. By the way the poodle on the show for some reason looks like the animal version of "Lady gaga". The cartoon is pretty entertaining if you are over 10 actually. I know there might be haters but just ignore them after a few days they will like it, like me at first I thought it was going to garbage but its not! Its hilarious! Oh and has anyone see the episode where they lose the banana for there tvs? Its pretty entertaining. Good show! You probably might hate it at first but you will get used to it.