Memory Lane is a no-budget film directed by Shawn Holmes about an intense young man who visits the afterlife in order to avenge his girlfriend's death. I don't want to give anything away so I will just say that it's a solid story.
The possible problem is that there is no budget. However, don't confuse "no-budget film" with "amateurish film" because Memory Lane is highly stylized and has good pacing. Memory Lane shows that Holmes is a highly resourceful filmmaker. This film is the embodiment of Buckminster Fuller's concept of ephemeralization: the science and art of doing more with less. Memory Lane is the result of the DIY ethic at work. I imagine one of the benefits of having a budget of $300 is that the focus was on telling a good story in a cinematic way; the filmmakers succeeded.
Watching the film, I couldn't help but notice the similarity to films by Darren Aronofsky, David Lynch, and David Cronenberg. Memory Lane kicks butt and takes names. I would like to see what his team could do with a little more money.