Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon is the sequel to the original Luigi's Mansion and it follows Luigi as the Dark Moon, which keeps all the ghosts in Evershade Valley friendly and non-violent, suddenly goes missing and the ghosts go bonkers. Luigi is then sent to recover the Dark Moon, capturing as many ghosts as he can along the way.
I had a fair bit of fun with this game. The mechanics are simple and yet they offer a level of strategy, especially towards the end of the game as you, Luigi, is often overwhelmed by ghosts to capture.
The story isn't spectacular, but who's expecting that from a Luigi's Mansion game? It's good enough to keep you interested in it, and the characters are fun enough to give you the occasional laugh and be fun to play with or alongside.
My biggest gripe with this game, however, is the difficulty. Sometimes it's incredibly easy, specifically the bosses. They can be so easy that it made me wonder an multiple occasions if that was the entire fight or if there'd be a surprise second part to the boss. Most often, the mission was over. However, sometimes the game is very difficult, to an almost unfair level. During one of the last levels in particular Luigi is almost completely overwhelmed by ghosts, and that strategy from earlier has to come in whether you like it or not. Yes, I was able to complete it, so yes, if an amateur gamer like myself can do it then surely it's not too bad. But I still found that it was just kind of overwhelming and difficult to take into account every ghost on the screen. Sometimes the camera angle would even obscure certain things, and thus you wouldn't be able to react quick enough to something simply because you couldn't see it.
There were a few little things, like the Toads, that I wasn't particularly fond of either. The Toad's AI is pretty terrible. If you walked two feet away from them they stopped moving entirely, having lost you. It's a little frustrating, but it's still just a little thing.
Overall Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon is a fun game. It's pretty inconsistent about difficulty, but with the right strategy and some sacrifice it is possible to overcome. Despite the menial little things that made this game harder to fully enjoy, I had a good time with it. In the end I'd still definitely recommend it.