I see one reviewer here doesn't understand what actual "evidence" (that could be presented to a court) is; Selection Code has plenty of proof, but if one is blinded by ideology, it matters not how much evidence is presented since "None is so blind as he who will not see." Most court cases concerning voting irregularities were thrown out due to process concerns, such as "lack of standing," etc., and most often that was erroneous, as well. Because of the courts fear of taking up the cases, they never got to the point of "Discovery," where the REAL proof would have been presented. Then, add in how we witnessed the Left's rioting during the "Summer of Love," etc., no courts WANTED to get involved (have you not heard of the man who showed up in Justice Kavanaugh's neighborhood with instruments ready to use to murder the Justice (and probably his family?) It is also against the law to demonstrate outside the supreme court justices' homes, but when it occurred over the Roe v. Wade ruling of late, our DOJ did nothing to prosecute the offenders or put a stop to it...so just imagine what could have happened to ANYONE who were to involve themselves in overturning even any one small part of the 2020 election!! And, if that isn't enough to convince anyone the election wasn't legit...just ask yourself why the Left is working so dang hard to keep Trump from running again in 2024 if he was so easily beaten in 2020! One would think the dems are a wee bit concerned about the amount of fraud the 2024 election would take to overcome Trump the next time...esp. Now after the raid on his home...and they are wondering how the heck they'll be able to pull the steal off again now that one heck of a lot more eyes will be watching...eyes that are a lot more aware of just how these things can be stolen and so know exactly what to watch for. There are even going to be tailgate parties at drop boxes all night long to keep the 2000 Mules thing from happening again, too.
Sorry I went off on a bit of a tangent here, but there was one reviewer here who seemed to have not even watched this movie (or maybe was incapable of understanding it), and I felt it needed to be addressed in order to support of the excellence of this movie "Selection Code."