The story centers on Hayoung and Ji-young Yoo's beautiful portrayal of teenage anxiety and personal growth. The film's most outstanding achievement is its humanistic approach. Despite blending cultures and worldviews, the film offers a universal take. Fears and hopes transcend a nation's borders. It is the human experience to yearn for more than what currently exists. Finding beauty in the broken images instead of turning away in disgust is quite powerful, fostering a sense of connection and empathy.
Smoking Tigers provides a compelling arc of finding hope, even in the face of flaws and loneliness, for what is life if not a series of steps forward? This film is bold in its willingness to showcase that growing up does not mean figuring everything out but being able to learn. Though some might find this take a bit dramatic, that is ultimately the film's greatest strength. There is a poignancy in the bittersweet truths of life that allows us insight. We can still feel whole even in the face of disappointment or rejection.
Full review at Geek Vibes Nation.