I would never begrudge anyone's opinion but who are these people who didn't like this movie at all? For the record I'm not affiliated in any way to this movie or the company that produced it. I'm just a fan who knows a good movie when he sees one and "NAILBITER" is a damn good movie! The story is of a mom and her three daughters who are seeking shelter from a tornado that is bearing down on them. They are in their car headed to the airport to pick up dad from the airport (He's returning home from the war). Unfortunately the cellar they end up in is the worst possible place they could be because something unnatural is lurking above ground. Something that isn't human, and it's hungry...
"NAILBITER" doesn't pretend to be anything more than it is, a good thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat throughout it's running time. I saw it last year at the NYC Horror Film Festival & I can attest to the very positive reaction it received from the crowd. What really sealed the deal for me was the vagueness of the creatures and their origin. Are they werewolves? Zombies? Vampires? Something never seen before in a film of this ilk? You'd have to watch for yourself and decide but they are effective & scary to boot! Director Patrick Rea has a way with the camera that lets the audience in but only so much...that way the film remains tense & eerie. The actors all did a fine job with the taut & mysterious aspects of the script and the look of the film belies in meager budget, it's a seriously good looking movie.
The title fits the film just right as I am currently growing myself some really long nails so I can chew em' to the nub when the promised "NAILBITER 2" reaches the screen! Again, if you didn't like it then you didn't like it but tell the truth...didja really see it?