It starts off strong, and though it may lose some steam by the end, its classic style of absurd character comedy is hard not to smile at. The characters are somewhat weak - at least for a character-based comedy - but always entertaining. Though, I hate to be that guy (but I'm gonna be that guy anyway): WOW, what a cast of copy/pasted one-note female characters. I could probably count the skits involving female characters that DIDN'T end with the girl getting mad and hitting the guy unreasonably (or within reason for getting her PANTIES STOLEN for god's sake) on one hand. I can't even say I'm getting tired of the consistent anime trope of women and girls being violent emotional caricatures to contrast the reasonable male characters: I have BEEN tired of it. Some many of the gags being at the expense of the girls spoiled some of the show for me - that being said, there are some hilarious and memorable segments that merit rewatching. I loved the running gag with Yassan and Hidenori sitting on the slope exchanging cheesy lines, and the main trio's improv escapades were always fun to watch (though I started to wonder where on earth Tadakuni had gone halfway through the series, never mind how a joke was made calling out his absence). Maybe I'm at fault here for letting its status as a classic raise my expectations too high, but whatever the cause is, it didn't ruin the experience entirely; I'd still recommend this show to anyone looking for an easy laugh.