Firstly this film, in it short length makes numerus factual errors. It is not honest about either Foreman or Kazan. Foreman was a supporter not of socialism, but of Stalin. And in Fact Kazan rightly named the names of the most slavishly Stalinists and apologist for Stalin's genocides and totalitarianisms.
Carl Forman was not blacklisted in the US for not naming names, he was blacklisted for being dishonest about his own membership in the Communist party. He outright lied. That membership continued long after the Hitler Stalin pact. Foreman was not simply a confused socialist. He was particularly aligned with the most Stalinist faction of the American communist party as well. His did not join as a idealist young person and get alienated by the Hitler-Stalin pact. His avid support for Stalin persisted and became stronger as the world well understood that Stalin was as nasty as Hitler. Soviet archives also show he helped Soviets attempt to coerce other people in Hollywood as well.
In contrast, Kazan actually knew from family in Greece in areas occupied by Stalin's sycophants what was going on under communism. That it was as murderous and corrupt and soul crushing as Hitler and his goons were.
This short is frankly just another totally uniformed and ahistorical take on this issue by Hollywood. Those in Hollywood ought to read the Kremlin archive on this issue. They have been available for two decades. Would it be wrong to name names of persons who were active supporters of Pol Pot during the Cambodian genocide?
And why leave out Foreman's metoo issues?